Nobis Hospitality Group, a family-owned collection of boutique premium hotels, has revolutionized its operations and guest experiences with the implementation of Proposales. They have hotels in Stockholm, Copenhagen and Palma de Mallorca in Spain.

The introduction of Proposales has allowed the group to enhance the efficiency and appeal of their groups & event proposal process. The software's ability to rapidly generate attractive proposals has significantly impacted the way Nobis Hospitality Group interacts with requests and potential guests. The ease of creating customized proposals using templates not only simplifies the process but also ensures each proposal is perfectly tailored to meet the specific requests of clients.

A notable improvement since adopting Proposales is the considerable time savings for the sales team, with an estimated 30% of their time being freed up. This newly available time is now dedicated to refining details and enhancing offers, ultimately elevating the guest experience.

The integration with OPERA Cloud further streamlines operations, enabling seamless communication between Proposales and the property management system (PMS). This integration ensures that room blocks and statuses are automatically updated, reducing manual work and minimizing errors.

The sales team at Blique by Nobis has expressed particular appreciation for the automation features between Proposales and the PMS, which allow them to focus more on the engaging aspects of their roles rather than mundane data entry.

The e-signature feature turns my proposal into a legally binding document without any additional steps.

Another liked feature is the built-in e-signature feature converts proposals into legally binding agreements effortlessly, enhancing the professionalism and efficiency of the booking process.

Johan Friberg, Assistant Director of Sales at Nobis Hospitality Group, credits Proposales with not only accelerating their response to client requests but also significantly increasing their conversion rate.

The software has not only saved valuable time but also contributed to generating more business, making it a beneficial tool for both the hospitality group and its clients. The group's experience underscores the advantages of embracing technology in the hospitality industry, demonstrating a clear win-win scenario through improved operational efficiency and enhanced guest satisfaction.

The e-signature feature turns my proposal into a legally binding document without any additional steps.

Johan Friberg

Assistant Director of Sales

Since the sales team started using Proposales, I would say that 30% of their time has been freed up.

Simone Kruithof

Hotel Manager

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