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Proposales AI

Add AI superpowers to your Proposales workflow

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How it works

How it works



When we first introduced Proposales, we sought to replace legacy workflows and tools that weren’t designed for the modern buyer and sales teams. We're on a mission to help sales teams fold time—meaning that we help them do twice the amount in half the time—and we can't wait to show how AI can speed up your RFP & Proposal process even more.

Autowriter, powered by Proposales AI

Autowriter eliminates human errors in a process where speed matters. Getting a high-quality proposal out of the door quickly is crucial to win the MICE and Group business. Autowriter, that is powered by Proposales AI, removes the friction point of being creative when putting the proposal together. In Proposales you can create a proposal in seconds, only by clicking (to add products) and drag-n-drop (to reorder the content—no writing needed.

There are a lot of automatic to be done in the RFP process for MICE and Groups. Staff shortages during Covid accelerated the need of hotels to become more efficient, and respond to incoming RFPs even faster. We could even see unresponded RFPs laying around where the hotels in-house sales team were not able to handle them all.

Joakim Green

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