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#1 proposal tool for hotels

Create & send proposals in seconds — that automatically creates a full Block in OPERA Cloud PMS.

The two-way integration between Proposales and OPERA Cloud is the best of both worlds:
— See live availability directly when creating the proposal
— Updating Block status to "DEF" when the proposal is e-signed by the guest

Opera Cloud & Proposales Integration
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Book a free consultation session for a demo of the integration

But the best way to understand the Proposales & OPERA Cloud is to see it: Sign up for a free consultation session with a Proposales™ representative.

The Proposales™ & OPERA Cloud integration is used & loved by hundreds of hotels and chains.

For more efficiency in your day-to-day operations

Save time and reduce the risk of human error by accessing and leveraging real-time information in both systems:

1. Create proposals with OPERA booking data directly in Proposales

All accommodation and function space inventory in OPERA Sales and Event Management (OSEM) is directly available within Proposales to instantly and easily build proposals.

2. Send proposals & have your data in OPERA directly updated

When sending the proposal, a tentative block is created in OPERA. Once e-signed the block will automatically be set to ‘DEF’ (“definite booking”). If a proposal gets rejected or expires, the tentative inventory will instantly be released.

A streamlined RFP workflow built for success.

Proposales is built around simplicity and connectivity so that your sales team can create, send and reply faster than ever before to visually appealing business proposals. Connect OPERA Cloud and see your RFP’s converting into accepted deals at the speed of light.

Widget de boîte de réception pour collecter les demandes sur votre site Web

Collectez des appels d'offres sur votre site Web grâce au widget Inbox. Des prospects plus qualifiés que votre formulaire Web traditionnel.

Signature électronique, facturation et paiement

Scellez la transaction de manière moderne en un clic. Demandez les détails de facturation et générez automatiquement des liens de paiement.

Générateur de propositions simple et intuitif

Répondez plus rapidement aux demandes. Plus de temps pour comprendre le besoin et vous conseiller avec des recommandations personnelles.

Informations et rapports sur les données

Découvrez quelles offres vous gagnez et pourquoi. Notre format de proposition offre tous les avantages des données structurées.

Connects seamlessly also with other business-critical tools.

Connect Proposales to your CRM and other business-critical tools for your hotel. Check out all of our integrations with the button below.

All integrations
Since the sales team started using Proposales, I would say that 30% of their time has been freed up.

Simone Kruithof

Hotel Manager


What packages can we pull in?

Any package created in OSEM can be seamlessly included in your proposals, from catering packages to accommodation and conference packages.

Can I edit a proposal after it has been sent and add new content to it?

Yes, you can. Any edit that you do in Proposals will update the Block in OPERA.

Can I set/override the pricing from within Proposales?

You are able to set custom pricing for accommodation and function spaces directly in Proposales. They will end up with the rate code “CUSTOM” inside OPERA Cloud. This also works with Proposales popular discounting feature that can showcase an original price and what price you are offering the client.

Can I fetch the pricing from OPERA Cloud/OSEM?

To have pricing flexibility for function spaces or events, ensure that they have a custom rate code attached to them.

Can I include optional products in my proposal?

Yes, you can decide to have optional items in the proposal. They will be included in the block, and when the proposal is e-signed it will either keep or remove those items.

Join the modern way to send proposals.

Enjoy a booking experience of this era that is fully web-based, interactive, mobile-friendly, visually appealing, and extremely fast.

Découvrez comment les grands hôtels utilisent déjà des Propositions pour vendre plus rapidement (et plus intelligemment)


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Transform your hotel's proposal process with the Proposales and OPERA Cloud Integration

Efficiency and agility are paramount for every hotelier as they must respond swiftly to RFPs (Request for Proposals) while keeping their inventory up-to-date. This is where the partnership between Proposales, a modern proposal software, and the renowned OPERA Cloud Property Management System (PMS) and OPERA Sales and Event Management (OSEM) comes into play. This integration holds the promise of revolutionizing your proposal management, making it more streamlined, faster, and highly efficient.

October 26, 2023
Proposal Tool Benefits
Proposal Automation